Monday, October 23, 2006

Forgotten Singles Of The Day

We're going with a "children of legendary rock stars" motif here, and I've got two doosies for you.

Julian Lennon's "Too Late For Goodbyes" (1984) and Jason Bonham's "Wait For You" (1989).

Lennon's was by far the bigger hit, cracking the Top 10 while I think Bonham's peaked around #38 or #39, but they were both played endlessly on rock radio. It was like every disc jockey in the country was sitting around moping, begrudgingly spinning new music, killing time until 5 PM every day when they could Get The Led Out, when they were miraculously handed a lost single by Zep and the Beatles and suddenly every other song got pushed back a few rotations.

I actually remember sitting in my room one evening, trying to find something on the radio, and scrolling through KSJO (92.3), KOME ("Don't touch that dial, there's KOME on it!"), KRQR (the ROCKER) and KFOG (Fogheads, unite) and ALL FOUR of them were playing Jason Bonham's sour, tuneless tribute song. Clearly it was the closest thing Weird Old Uncle Frank had to a new Zep tune, so he and the rest of the Bay Area DJs played it endlessly, for MONTHS.

I think our brains just blew a few fuses when it heard something that sounded kind of like a new Zep tune. And the fact that it was by Bonham's pudgy kid, well, I guess it's no one's fault. Or maybe we can just blame Dennis Erectus?

Same story goes for poor unloved first child, Julian, who sounded almost exactly like his old man. And the fact that he also wrote a song that sounded exactly like the kind of watered down MOR his dad might have written were he still alive in 1984, well, it too made every Beatles-jonesing DJ go mental as well.

We had no choice but to like it - "He sounds just like his dad, man!" - but it's still Lennon lite, and was probably closer to the stuff John and Yoko were scribbling out in the Dakota, circa 1979, whilst preferred younger sibling Sean ran amuck, diaperless, hucking his tea and toast out the windows.

Anyhow, stay tuned. I'm expecting Francis Bean to hit #1 any day now.


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